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Product information "Book "ImmunSymbiose - Immuntoleranz durch Kommunikation und Frieden mit Mikroben""
Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D., and Ariane Zappe
ISBN: 978-3-9819157-0-9
Publisher: SophiaMed
Publication date: 26.10.2017
384 pages
Retail price: € 79.-
Already in their first joint book "Die biologische Behandlung der Lyme- Borreliose" (The Biological Treatment of Lyme Disease), the two authors describe the modulation of the immune system as a crucial step in the treatment of chronic diseases.
With this book, they expand the concept of the immune system to include a complex, highly developed and highly organized interplay between microorganisms and the body's own cells: the immune symbiosis.
Both the human and microbial components work hand in hand to not only overcome trauma, conflict, and challenging environmental stresses together, but to use them for further development.
This cooperation, which has developed over millions of years, is now under immense pressure due to human changes: electromagnetic fields, the excessive use of antibiotics, herbicides and pesticides, toxins in the air we breathe, mercury, lead and aluminum, disinfection instead of microbial diversity, genetically modified and denatured foods or root-dead teeth that give the starting signal for decay, massively disrupt the symbiotic interaction and lead to chronic diseases of humans and the microbiome.
The shrinking diversity of our microbiome is the number one cause of disease.
Conventional medicine has its strengths, but it is often at a loss when it comes to treating chronic diseases. It was and is a negligence of Western medicine to look for the cause of disease in humans alone and to test therapies solely for their effect on humans.
All therapies of the future should primarily focus on the microbiomes in our organism.
The authors describe sensible, logical ways to regenerate our microbiome, how to restore the dialogue between the microbiome and the immune system, how even pathogenic germs can quickly learn to become productive parts of our microbiome that act symbiotically instead of pathogenically - how to restore ImmunSymbiosis and live.
Seite 299:
"Spiegelmethode nach Dr. Klinghardt [...] wurde 1995 von mir (Co-Autor DK) entdeckt, weiterentwickelt von Renzo Celani und schließlich 2016 wieder von mir (Co-Autor DK) neu in unsere Behandlungsmethoden integriert."
Was den Anschein erwecken kann, dass es sich bei den Spiegeln und der Arbeit mit diesen, um die selben handelt. Dies ist nicht zutreffend.
Es handelt sich um 2 verschiedene Spiegelarbeiten und 2 verschiedene Systeme. Pionier Dr. Dietrch Klinghardt hat normale Flach- und Hohlspiegel in seinem Praxisalltag in Verwendung. Renzo Celani benutzt nur Spiegel aus 3 verschiedenen hochwertigen Metallen, alle immer mit vorgeschraubtem oder fest eingebautem Filter.
Der Text und die Gleichstellung der beiden Systeme war nicht in unserer Absicht.
